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Passing parameters through the payment link URL

Build payment forms by passing parameters in URL. How to create payment form and redirect client to payment. Tracking customer after the payment.

This feature allows you to manage the payment amount via URL, pass customer data filled out on your platform to the payment page, and control the customer's path after a successful payment.

First, you need to create a payment link in the Allpay dashboard and set its type to <span class="u-richtext-element">Customer indicates amount</span>.

You can add the parameters <span class="u-richtext-element">amount</span> for the payment amount, <span class="u-richtext-element">client_name</span>, and <span class="u-richtext-element">client_email</span> for customer data to the payment link URL.

For example,

If the values for the parameters <span class="u-richtext-element">client_name</span> and <span class="u-richtext-element">client_email</span> are not specified, we will request them from the customer during payment.

This way, you can use a single payment link for all customers, specifying an individual amount for each of them.

Product name

The product or service name cannot be transmitted this way, as it creates opportunities for manipulation. For example, it could allow an altered or inappropriate product name to be automatically included in the receipt generated after payment.

Parameters lang and client_tehudat

<span class="u-richtext-element">lang</span> — language of the payment page. It is auto-detected by the customer's browser language, but you can control it by passing values AR (Arabic), EN (English), HE (Hebrew), or RU (Russian).

<span class="u-richtext-element">items</span> — name and quantity of the product. If not provided, the name specified when creating the payment link will be displayed. The ability to pass this parameter through the URL is currently under development.

<span class="u-richtext-element">client_tehudat</span> — the Tehudat Zehut (Social ID number). This is included in the payment receipt. To hide this field from the page, pass nine zeros.

Parameter add_field

You can also use the parameter <span class="u-richtext-element">add_field</span>, the value of which will be passed unchanged in the redirect URL after a successful payment (see the article Redirect after payment for how to set up the redirect URL).

For example,

In the example above, the parameter <span class="u-richtext-element">add_field=any_text</span> will be passed unchanged in the redirect URL after payment. This allows you to track conversions, direct the customer to the desired stage of your chatbot funnel, and perform other necessary actions after payment.

If needed, you can set the value of <span class="u-richtext-element">add_field</span> to a string with multiple parameters and parse them on your server side. For example, <span class="u-richtext-element">add_field=par1-value1,par2-value2</span>.

Video tutorial

Creating payment forms

Using this approach and basic web development skills, you can create payment forms for placement on your website. These forms do not replace full capacity of our API but provide a simple and convenient solution for accepting payments.

You can allow customers to select product modifications or quantities, calculate the total based on selected options, and redirect the customer to proceed the payment.

Example in action:

You can view the source code for the forms used in the video at the following links:

Using ChatGPT, you can customize the functionality of the forms to suit your specific needs.

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Does your API support hosted fields?

No, but we can provide the option to customize the CSS of the iFrame and display only the card input fields. This allows you to fully adapt it to match your website's design.

Is there an additional fee for payment links?

No, payment links and site payment integration are our core services, included in the plan and available immediately after registration.