How to let the customer indicate the payment amount

When creating a payment link, switch the selector from «I indicate the amount» to «Customer indicates amount» and provide the name of the product or service.
You can also add buttons with predefined amounts, allowing the payer to choose one or enter their own amount in the input field. To make one of the buttons preselected on the payment page, mark it with a star.
The payer will select the desired amount button or enter their own amount and proceed with the payment. The transaction will appear on the main payment screen like any other. еее
Passing the amount through a URL link
If you add <span class="u-richtext-element">?amount=AMOUNT</span> to the end of the URL link, the buttons and input fields will disappear, and the amount will be fixed.
For example,
This helps avoid creating multiple payment links for a single service with a frequently changing price. You only need to create one link and insert the required amount into its URL when sending it to the customer.
In the article "Passing parameters through the payment link URL" you can learn about other options of this feature.
Is there an additional fee for payment links?
No, payment links and site payment integration are our core services, included in the plan and available immediately after registration.