Teudat Zehut (Social ID number) on the payment page

Israeli citizens are required to enter their Teudat Zehut number, which is included in the payment receipt.
Since payments can come from outside Israel, as well as from tourists or Israeli residents without a Teudat Zehut, the payment page includes a checkbox labeled “I am not an Israeli citizen”, which hides the Teudat Zehut input field.
If the payment page is accessed from outside Israel, this checkbox is enabled by default.
Hiding the field for payment links
The Teudat Zehut input field and the “I am not an Israeli citizen” checkbox can be completely hidden from the payment page. This is useful for those accepting payments exclusively from abroad.
To enable this, go to <span class="u-richtext-element">Settings</span> --> <span class="u-richtext-element">Payment Links</span> and activate the switch <span class="u-richtext-element">Hide Teudat Zehut input field</span>.
Make sure to consult your accountant before enabling this setting.
Hiding the field for API Payments
To pass the Teudat Zehut number or hide this field from the payment page, use the <span class="u-richtext-element">client_tehudat</span> parameter as described in the API documentation.
Does your API support hosted fields?
No, but we can provide the option to customize the CSS of the iFrame and display only the card input fields. This allows you to fully adapt it to match your website's design.
Is there an additional fee for payment links?
No, payment links and site payment integration are our core services, included in the plan and available immediately after registration.